Category: Carbon footprint
Resource use and GHG emissions of eight tropical fruitspecies cultivated in Colombia
The cultivation of high-value fruit species is a profitable agricultural activity in many tropical countries; however, intensive fruit cultivation may depend on high amounts of external inputs. The objective of our study was to quantify and compare the resource use during the cultivation of eight tropical fruit species (Rubus glaucus, Solanum quitoense, Passiflora edulis, Cyphomandra betacea, Physalis peruviana, Ananas comosus, Persea americana and Mangifera indica) commonly cultivated in Colombia.
Life Cycle Assessment of Three Tropical Fruits (Avocado, Banana, Pineapple)
As the concern for global warming rises, many people try to reduce their footprints in different ways. Driving less, trying to reduce the usage of electricity, eating foods with less impacts on the environment are just a few examples. Consumers have great power to make a difference if they are educated to know about the footprints of different types of foods. This life cycle assessment (LCA) study compares three tropical fruits and their impact on the environment. The fruits chosen are avocado, banana
Biochar increases soil organic carbon, avocado yields and economic return over 4 years of cultivation
The use of biochar in avocado orchard soils has not yet been investigated in rigorous scientific experiments. We determine the effect of wood biochar on avocado growth, fruit production and economic benefit. Biochar was applied at 0%, 5%, 10% and 20% volume by volume basis. Biochar significantly improved the growth of avocado seedlings and increased fruit yield in the first three years after planting. There was an overall increase in soil carbon, fruit yield, tree diameter and height in all biochar
Long term changes in soil properties and enzyme activities after almond shell mulching in avocado organic production
The recycling of almond shell as mulch would allow avocado orchards to be managed organically, maintaining plant yield and improving soil conditions simultaneously. This study aims to analyze the long term effects of successive applications of almond shell as mulching for organically grown avocado. Effects on soil properties, enzyme activities and soil carbon storage as well as avocado yield and growth were studied in comparison to no-tillage conventionally managed (using mineral fertilizers and
Environmental and social consequences of the increase in the demand for 'superfoods' world-wide
The search for healthy diets has led to a surge in the demand for functional foods or 'superfoods', which have now become popular among the middle- and high-income fractions of the society in developed regions of the world. 'Superfoods' are predominantly consumed far from their centres of origin and out of their cultural context with different environmental and social effects. Here, we present a series of case studies to provide an overview of the different environmental impacts driven by superfood
Carbon and water footprinting of avocado production in New Zealand
"The avocado sector in New Zealand is growing rapidly and is driven particularly by demand in overseas markets. To develop a better understanding of the environmental impacts associated with the New Zealand avocado supply chain, an environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was undertaken of this sector, focusing on climate change and water use.
For the carbon footprint, it was found that fertiliser production and use, and fuel use, dominated the climate change impact category for orchard activities.
For the carbon footprint, it was found that fertiliser production and use, and fuel use, dominated the climate change impact category for orchard activities.