Avocado SustainabilityResearch Library

The Avocado Sustainability Center conducts and collects research to advance sustainability practices by all stakeholders across the supply chain, including customers and consumers. Some studies may require payment for full access.

    New research studies underway, will contribute to our future understanding of:

  • Water management
  • Carbon footprint
  • Economic and social impact

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2023 Chile, Florida, South Africa

Single and basal crop coefficients for estimation of water use of tree and vine woody crops with consideration of fraction of ground cover, height, and training system for Mediterranean and warm temperate fruit and leaf crops

Authors: Pereira, L. S.,; Paredes, Paula; Oliveira, C. M.; Montoya, Francisco; López-Urrea, Ramón; Salman

This paper reviews the research on the FAO56 single and basal crop coefficients of fruit trees and vines performed over the past twenty-five years and focus on Mediterranean and warm temperate trees and vines. Two companion papers (López-Urrea et al., (2023) Single and basal crop coefficients for estimation of water use of tree and vine woody crops with consideration of fraction of ground cover, height, and training system for temperate climate fruit crops. Irrig Sci (submitted); Paredes et al.

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2024 Spain

Water Relations and Physiological Response to Water Deficit of ‘Hass’ Avocado Grafted on Two Rootstocks Tolerant to R. necatrix

Authors: Moreno-Pérez, Ana ; Barceló, Araceli ; Pliego, Clara ; Martínez-Ferri, Elsa

Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cultivation has spread to many countries from the tropics to the Mediterranean region, where avocado crops commonly face water shortages and diseases, such as white root rot (WRR) caused by Rosellinia necatrix. The use of drought- and WRR-tolerant rootstocks represents a potential solution to these constraints. In this research, water relations and the morpho-physiological response of avocado ‘Hass’ grafted on two selections of R. necatrix-tolerant rootstocks

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2024 Colombia

Comparative Analysis of Water Stress Regimes in Avocado Plants during the Early Development Stage

Authors: Rondon, Tatiana ; Guzmán-Hernández, Manuel ; Torres-Madronero, Maria C.; Casamitjana, Maria ; Cano, Lucas ; Galeano, July ; Goez, Manuel

The avocado cv. Hass requires a suitable rootstock for optimal development under water stress. This study evaluated the performance of two avocado rootstocks (ANRR88 and ANGI52) grafted onto cv. Hass under four water stress conditions, 50% and 25% deficit, and 50% and 25% excess during the nursery stage. Plant height, leaf area (LA), dry matter (DM), and Carbon (OC) content in the roots, stems, and leaves were measured. Root traits were evaluated using digital imaging, and three vegetation

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2024 Mexico

Water Footprint and Water Sustainability of Agroindustrial Avocado Production in a Warm Tropical Climate Municipality: A Case Study in the Michoacan Avocado Belt in Central México

Authors: Fuerte-Velázquez, Diana J.; Gómez-Tagle, Alberto

Water is a fundamental resource for ecosystems, humans, and the development of all economic sectors; it is necessary to identify and evaluate its environmental pressures and impacts. The water footprint (WF) is an appropriate indicator for the consumption of water used to produce a product. The present study uses this tool to evaluate the green and blue water requirements and the sustainability of irrigation water use for agroindustrial avocado production in Ziracuaretiro, Michoacán (2012–2021).

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2024 Mexico

Avocado Water Footprint for Two Municipalities in Michoacán, Mexico: A Research of the Blue and Green WF

Authors: Fuerte-Velázquez, Diana J.; Seguí-Amórtegui, Luis ; Gómez-Tagle, Alberto ; Guerrero-García-Rojas, Hilda

The Water Footprint (WF) is an indicator used to determine good practices for efficiently using water in human activities. This work evaluates the green (rainfed) and blue (irrigation) water footprint of avocado cultivation in the municipalities of Acuitzio (2012–2016) and Morelia (2016–2020) in Michoacán, Mexico. Likewise, the water stress of irrigation water use is analyzed, linking the blue WF with the volumes of concessions for agricultural use. The results revealed that the

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2023 Colombia

IS-SAR: an irrigation scheduling web application for Hass avocado orchards based on Sentinel-1 images

Authors: Erazo-Mesa, Edwin; Murillo-Sandoval, Paulo J.; Ramírez-Gil, Joaquín Guillermo; Benavides, Kevin Quiroga; Sánchez, Andrés Echeverri

As the Hass avocado crop expands exponentially in Colombia, concern about its increasing water use is on the rise. This research aimed to develop IS-SAR, a free-access web application to schedule irrigation for Valle del Cauca’s Hass growers. We calibrated the water cloud (WCM) and artificial neural network (ANN) models using field data measurements from Hass avocado orchard plots in Valle del Cauca (Colombia) and Sentinel 1 (S1) satellite imagery measurements and evaluated their performance

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A comprehensive collection of published research investigating topics that are associated with sustainability in avocado production, trade, and economic impact. This library includes published and publicly available research and does not suggest that the Avocado Sustainability Center supports or was involved in the conduct or funding of the research or the dissemination of the research findings.

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