2018 Ethiopia

Smallholders’ avocado production systems and tree productivity in the southern highlands of Ethiopia

Authors: Biazin, B.; Haileslassie, A.; Zewdie, T.; Mekasha, Y.; Gebremedhin, B.; Fekadu, A.; Shewage, T.

Ethiopia is one of the top five avocado producers in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite increasing recognition for its nutritional value and economic importance, information on smallholder avocado production systems across agro-climatic zones and determinants for tree productivity are literally lacking. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to examine the determinants for avocado tree holdings by smallholder farmers and investigate the effect of avocado production systems and management conditions

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2018 Mexico

Analysis of costs and competitiveness in avocado production in Michoacán, Mexico

Authors: Sánchez, M.A.F.; Rodriguez, J.A.L.; Gonzalez, J.M.S.; Ramos, M.A.; Munguia, A.G.

[The] process of globalization has forced avocado producers in Michoacán to improve their competitiveness, be more efficient and control their production costs to adapt to market demands. Cost accounting provides data to monitor the activities of a company, provides tools for making corrective decisions and achieve goals, to maintain or increase profits production costs, profitability and competitiveness of three representative production units (URP) avocado, two of export and for domestic market

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2013 Hawaii

Are Farmers' Market Shoppers Different From Cross-Shoppers? The Case of Hawaiian Avocado Purchasers

Authors: Sullivan, P.; Chan-Halbrendt, C.; Krishnakumar, J.

Small- and medium-size growers use direct marketing and farmers’ markets to access customers and avoid supply chain intermediaries that increase costs of getting products to consumers. This study examined consumers’ use of agricultural product information sources and their shopping outlet patronage preferences for one type of locally grown produce: avocados. Two farmers’ market segments were identified: 1) shops only farmers’ markets and 2) cross-shops grocery stores. Product information

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2021 Ecuador

Techinical-economic study in avocado cultivation, Atahualpa Canton, El Oro Province

Authors: Vásquez-Aguilar, R.F.; García-Hevia, S.

Avocado presents a growing demand in the international market, as well as an increase in its price. Currently don't represent the most diversified cultivation in the study area. However, by a growing demand is required study that show its profitability and input to farmers income, those haven't identified the avocado production and marketing as economic alternative The research objective is realize technical-economic study for avocado small production, in El Tambo farm Atahualpa canton, El Oro province.

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2018 Mexico

2018 Update: The U.S. National and state-level economic benefits of avocado imports from Mexico

Authors: Williams, G.; Hanselka, D.

Avocado imports have grown dramatically in recent years. If international trade theory holds true, the rapidly growing imports of avocados should also be contributing positively to the broader U.S. economy. This report is an update of two previous reports that measure the benefits to the U.S. overall economy and the economies of and individual U.S. states from the rapidly growing imports of Hass avocados from Mexico (Williams, Capps, and Hanselka, 2014 and 2016). The analysis updates the answers

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2020 Mexico

2020 Update: The economic benefits of U.S. avocado imports from Mexico

Authors: Williams, G.; Hanselka, D.

This report updates previous analyses of the benefits to U.S. and state-level economies flowing from the growing U.S. imports of Hass avocados from Mexico. This updated analysis seeks to answer two questions: (1) What contributions have U.S. imports of Mexican avocados during Fiscal Year (FY) 2019/20 made to the U.S. national economy and the distribution of those contributions by industry sector? (2) What have been the distribution of those contributions by U.S. state and by industry sectors within

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