2022 Colombia

Surface soil water content as an indicator of Hass avocado irrigation scheduling

Authors: Erazo-Mesa, E.; Gómez, E.H.; Sánchez, A.E.

This study aims to determine whether Hass avocado irrigation can be triggered based on the surface soil water content (SSWC). To address this question, the soil water dynamics from three Hass avocado orchard plots located in Valle del Cauca (Colombia) was simulated using a model provided by Hydrus-1D software, which was calibrated through the genetic algorithm NSGA-II and validated using the soil matric potential measured at several depths at nine monitoring stations installed in the three plots. See more

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2013 Colombia

Resource use and GHG emissions of eight tropical fruitspecies cultivated in Colombia

Authors: Graefe, S.; Tapasco, J.; Gonzalez, A.

The cultivation of high-value fruit species is a profitable agricultural activity in many tropical countries; however, intensive fruit cultivation may depend on high amounts of external inputs. The objective of our study was to quantify and compare the resource use during the cultivation of eight tropical fruit species (Rubus glaucus, Solanum quitoense, Passiflora edulis, Cyphomandra betacea, Physalis peruviana, Ananas comosus, Persea americana and Mangifera indica) commonly cultivated in Colombia. See more

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2017 Colombia

Economic Economic impact of the avocado (cv. Hass) wilt disease complex in Antioquia, Colombia, crops under different technological management levels

Authors: Guillermo Ramirez-Gil, Joaquin; Gilchrist Ramelli, Elizabeth; Morales Osorio, Juan Gonzalo

The avocado wilt disease complex is the most important pathology in avocado crops worldwide. Despite its importance, research about its economic losses is limited. In this work, the objective was to determine the economic impact of the wilt disease in three regions located in Antioquia, Colombia, and its relationship with the technological level of farm management. Six nurseries and 20 fruit production lots were tested for economic losses due to the wilt disease, including all crops stages of development. See more

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2020 Colombia

Causes of Hass Avocado Fruit Rejection in Preharvest, Harvest, and Packinghouse: Economic Losses and Associated Variables

Authors: Ramirez-Gil, J.G.; Lopez, J.H.; Henao-Rojas, J.C.

The areas planted with avocado in Colombia have increased to position this fruit in international markets. To achieve this goal, the offered fruits need to meet optimal production standards. The aim of this study was to identify the main physiopathologies and damages that may cause the rejection of avocado cv. Hass fruits for export purposes during pre-harvest, harvest, and processing in packinghouses, and quantify the economic impact of said exclusion criteria. Typological characterization and quantification See more

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2022 Colombia

Environmental life cycle assessment (E-LCA) and social impact assessment (SIA) of small-scale biorefineries implemented in rural zones: the avocado (Persea Americana var. Americana) case in Colombia

Authors: Solarte-Toro, J.C.; Ortiz-Sanchez, M.; Alzate, C.A.C.

The objective of this study is to compare the environmental and social performance of two small-scale avocado biorefineries implanted in a rural zone in the North of Colombia. Two small-scale biorefineries were proposed. Small-B-1 addressed to produce avocado oil and animal feed, and Small-B-2 focused on the guacamole production. The environmental analysis was done by applying the life cycle assessment methodology. Then, agronomic information and process simulation were required to complete the analysis. See more

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