2013 Colombia

Resource use and GHG emissions of eight tropical fruitspecies cultivated in Colombia

Authors: Graefe, S.; Tapasco, J.; Gonzalez, A.

The cultivation of high-value fruit species is a profitable agricultural activity in many tropical countries; however, intensive fruit cultivation may depend on high amounts of external inputs. The objective of our study was to quantify and compare the resource use during the cultivation of eight tropical fruit species (Rubus glaucus, Solanum quitoense, Passiflora edulis, Cyphomandra betacea, Physalis peruviana, Ananas comosus, Persea americana and Mangifera indica) commonly cultivated in Colombia.

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2017 Colombia

Economic Economic impact of the avocado (cv. Hass) wilt disease complex in Antioquia, Colombia, crops under different technological management levels

Authors: Guillermo Ramirez-Gil, Joaquin; Gilchrist Ramelli, Elizabeth; Morales Osorio, Juan Gonzalo

The avocado wilt disease complex is the most important pathology in avocado crops worldwide. Despite its importance, research about its economic losses is limited. In this work, the objective was to determine the economic impact of the wilt disease in three regions located in Antioquia, Colombia, and its relationship with the technological level of farm management. Six nurseries and 20 fruit production lots were tested for economic losses due to the wilt disease, including all crops stages of development.

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2003 California

The economic impact of Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) on California avocado production

Authors: Hoddle, M.S.; Jetter, K.M.; Morse, J.G.

In 1996, Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) invaded California avocado orchards and moved pest management practices that relied almost exclusively on biological control to strategies dependent on insecticides to maintain thrips densities below economically damaging levels. By 1998, average losses due to thrips feeding damage in untreated infested groves reduced industry revenues by 12%. Producer costs increased by about 4.5% when S. perseae populations required management. In

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2020 California

Use of alternative water sources in irrigation: potential scales, costs, and environmental impacts in California

Authors: Qin, Y.; Horvath, A.

Under the risk of drought, unreliable water supplies, and growing water demand, there is a growing need worldwide to explore alternative water sources to meet the demand for irrigation in agriculture and other outdoor activities. This paper estimates stocks, production capacities, economic costs, energy implications, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with recycled water, desalinated brackish and seawater, and stormwater in California, the largest US state and the most significant fresh

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2022 Mexico

Spatial patterns and determinants of avocado frontier dynamics in Mexico

Authors: Ramírez-Mejía, D.; Levers, C.; Mas, J-F.

The surging demand for commodity crops has led to rapid and severe agricultural frontier expansion globally and has put producing regions increasingly under pressure. However, knowledge about spatial patterns of agricultural frontier dynamics, their leading spatial determinants, and socio-ecological trade-offs is often lacking, hindering contextualized decision making towards more sustainable food systems. Here, we used inventory data to map frontier dynamics of avocado production, a cash crop of

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2022 Mexico

Designing a Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Considering Social Factors; A Case Study on Avocado Industry

Authors: Salehi-Amiri, A.; Zahedi, A.; Gholian-Jouybari, F.; Rodriguez Calvo, E.Z.; Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M.

Recently, the closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) and its application to various fields have been an area of great interest. Despite the importance of CLSC, there remains a paucity of evidence on agriculture in this area. In this work, a CLSC network for the avocado industry is firstly designed by developing a bi-objective model considering the costs of the avocado industry and the social factor of job employment opportunities. The two objectives are the total costs minimization and job employment maximization

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