Tag: Productivity
Effect of soil water-to-air ratio on biomass and mineral nutrition of avocado trees
In Chile, expansion of avocado production has resulted in many orchards established in marginal soils that are poorly drained and have high soil water-to-air ratios when soil moisture is at field capacity. However, avocado trees are sensitive to poor soil aeration. A study was conducted to determine the effects of different soil water-to-air ratios (W/A) on biomass and nutrient content of avocado trees. Two-year-old avocado trees were grown for 2 seasons in containers in soils, with different W/A,
Effect of soil available water depletion on plant water status, fruit size and yield of avocado trees cv. 'HASS'
The objective of this study was to define the soil available water depletion (SAWD) in avocado, in order to use it as a criterion for irrigation programs in soils of fine texture and low aeration capacity. to determine appropriately the fraction of soil SAWD we performed three independent trials: Trial 1: We evaluated two treatments: T1, irrigation to 100% ETc and then without irrigation for 13 days, until the SAWD reached 60%, and T2: daily irrigation replacing 100% of the evapotranspiration of
Crop Yield Response to Water: Section 4.1 (Fruit Trees)
Avocado (Persea americana Mill) is a tree that has been known for centuries in areas of Central and South America, but only recently has become a commercial crop. In 2009, there were over 430 000 ha of commercial plantings with a world average yield of 8.8 tonne/ha, with Mexico (100 000 ha), Chile and the United States as the main producing countries. Other countries with significant exports are South Africa, Spain, and Israel (FAO, 2011). Figure 1 presents the production trends of the main producing
Optimal Planning for Sustainable Production of Avocado in Mexico
The global avocado market has increased significantly in recent years. The state of Michoacán in Mexico is one of the largest producers of avocado in the world. The ideal climatic conditions and favorable yields have spurred an interest in growing new orchards for enhancing avocado production. Such growth has a major impact on the environment due to the land use change and the substantial use of fresh water. Therefore, there is a need for an optimal strategic planning for the avocado production
Economic Economic impact of the avocado (cv. Hass) wilt disease complex in Antioquia, Colombia, crops under different technological management levels
The avocado wilt disease complex is the most important pathology in avocado crops worldwide. Despite its importance, research about its economic losses is limited. In this work, the objective was to determine the economic impact of the wilt disease in three regions located in Antioquia, Colombia, and its relationship with the technological level of farm management. Six nurseries and 20 fruit production lots were tested for economic losses due to the wilt disease, including all crops stages of development.
The economic impact of Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) on California avocado production
In 1996, Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) invaded California avocado orchards and moved pest management practices that relied almost exclusively on biological control to strategies dependent on insecticides to maintain thrips densities below economically damaging levels. By 1998, average losses due to thrips feeding damage in untreated infested groves reduced industry revenues by 12%. Producer costs increased by about 4.5% when S. perseae populations required management. In