Tag: Soil Health
Water Relations and Physiological Response to Water Deficit of ‘Hass’ Avocado Grafted on Two Rootstocks Tolerant to R. necatrix
Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cultivation has spread to many countries from the tropics to the Mediterranean region, where avocado crops commonly face water shortages and diseases, such as white root rot (WRR) caused by Rosellinia necatrix. The use of drought- and WRR-tolerant rootstocks represents a potential solution to these constraints. In this research, water relations and the morpho-physiological response of avocado ‘Hass’ grafted on two selections of R. necatrix-tolerant rootstocks
Comparative Analysis of Water Stress Regimes in Avocado Plants during the Early Development Stage
The avocado cv. Hass requires a suitable rootstock for optimal development under water stress. This study evaluated the performance of two avocado rootstocks (ANRR88 and ANGI52) grafted onto cv. Hass under four water stress conditions, 50% and 25% deficit, and 50% and 25% excess during the nursery stage. Plant height, leaf area (LA), dry matter (DM), and Carbon (OC) content in the roots, stems, and leaves were measured. Root traits were evaluated using digital imaging, and three vegetation
Functional leaf-trait variability and herbivory in oaks along a Mexican avocado agrosystem mosaic
Land-use changes transforming forested landscapes to avocado orchards affect abiotic conditions and ecological processes. As a consequence, such changes can also affect leaf functional traits expression of co-occurring trees in orchards and related plant–insect interactions. Here, we evaluated changes in chemical soil properties and the effects of micro-climatic variables on leaf functional traits and herbivory in Quercus castanea and Q. obtusata in fragments occurring in a mosaic with avocado orchards.
Cognitive Maps Across Multiple Social Sectors: Shared and Unique Perceptions on the Quality of Agricultural Soils in Mexico
Incorporating the views and perceptions of local farmers and other actors with stakes in agricultural production is critical for better-informed decision making and tackling pressing issues, such as soil degradation. We conducted a study that sought to integrate and analyze perceptions regarding the quality and degradation of agricultural soils across different social sectors in Mexico, including producers of two annual crops (maize and beans) and two perennial crops (coffee and avocado), members
Optimal irrigation management for avocado (cv. 'Hass') trees by monitoring soil water content and plant water status
Irrigation scheduling based on soil water content (Ɵw) sensors requires that Ɵw be maintained within a range (management lines) that is optimal for plant growth. The lower limit or “breaking point” is determined following the soil water content dynamics on the transition of a rapid rate of depletion to a slower, under similar reference evapotranspiration. Although this criterion is practical, its implementation should be validated with plant water status measurement that contemplate weather
Improving Soil Oxygenation with Hydrogen Peroxide Injection into Heavy Clay Loam Soil: Effect on Plant Water Status, CO2 Assimilation and Biomass of Avocado Trees
Commercial avocado production in Chile has expanded to areas with poorly drained soils presenting low oxygenation over significant periods of time throughout the year. In many of these areas, irrigation management is difficult because plantations are often placed on slopes of hills. Poorly aerated soils combined with irrigation design and management problems can limit avocado fruit production and quality, particularly if hypoxia stress occurs between spring and the beginning of summer. It is well