2013 Multiple

The water relations and irrigation requirements of avocado (persea americana mill.): a review

Authors: Carr, M.K.V.

The results of research on the water relations and irrigation need of avocado are collated and reviewed in an attempt to link fundamental studies on crop physiology to irrigation practices. Background information is given on the centre of origin (Mexico and Central America) and the three distinct ecological areas where avocados are grown commercially: (1) Cool, semi-arid climates with winter-dominant rainfall (e.g. Southern California, Chile, Israel); (2) Humid, subtropical climates with summer-dominant

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2002 Multiple

Water stress affects leaf anatomy, gas exchange, water relations and growth of two avocado cultivars

Authors: Chartzoulakis, K.; Patakas, A.; Kofidis, G.; Bosabalidis, A.; Nastou, A.

Two cultivars of avocado (Persea americana Mill., 'Fuerte' and 'Hass') plants, grown in 501 containers, were studied under two irrigation regimes for 6 months in order to evaluate the growth response and leaf physiological and anatomical changes induced by moderate water stress. Irrigation was applied when soil water potential reached at -0.03 and -0.5 MPa for the wet and dry treatments, respectively. Leaf anatomy changed in water-stressed leaves, which could have accounted for the decreased stomata]

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2019 Egypt

Influence of Irrigation Method and Fertilization Type on Avocado Yield and Quality

Authors: Darwish, W.M.; Elmetwalli, A.H.

This research study investigated the impact of watering method and fertilization on avocado yield and quality in newly reclaimed areas. The research attempted to choose the optimum irrigation system and fertilization type to improve avocado yield and quality. Different irrigation systems (micro-sprinkler, drip irrigation and combined approach of micro-sprinkler and drip) with different fertilization types (mineral fertilization, fertilization using fallen avocado leaves+mineral fertilization and

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2021 Multiple

Water management and salinity adaptation approaches of Avocado trees: A review for hot-summer Mediterranean climate

Authors: Kourgialas, N.; Dokou, Z.

The production and consumption of avocado has increased significantly over the past years, experiencing a steady expansion into new markets around the world. This review paper focuses on avocado cultivation in its new markets with hot-summer Mediterranean climate. A significant literature gap exists on the viability of this crop in such data environments which experience limited availability of water in the summer exacerbated by climate change and potential salinity issues in irrigation water, typical

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2021 Israel

Rootstock-Dependent Response of Hass Avocado to Salt Stress

Authors: Lazare, S.; Cohen, Y.; Goldshtein, E.; Yermiyahu, U.; Ben-Gal, A.; Dag, A.

Salt stress is a major limiting factor in avocado (Persea americana) cultivation, exacerbated by global trends towards scarcity of high-quality water for irrigation. Israeli avocado orchards have been irrigated with relatively high-salinity recycled municipal wastewater for over three decades, over which time rootstocks were selected for salt-tolerance. This study's objective was to evaluate the physiological salt response of avocado as a function of the rootstock. We irrigated fruit-bearing 'Hass'

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2020 South Africa

Water use of an intermediate and a mature avocado orchard

Authors: Mazhawu, E.; Clulow, A.D.; Taylor, N.J.; Savage, M.J.

The scarce water resources in South Africa are vulnerable to the increasing pressure of a changing climate. The recent drought experienced in South Africa (2014-2017) has negatively affected the fruit industry, highlighting the need to optimise water use efficiency (WUE) as well as accurately estimate water use. With avocado production in South Africa being export-oriented and dependant on irrigation, proper water management is vital to minimising water use, while maintaining fruit yield and quality.

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