2002 Multiple

Water stress affects leaf anatomy, gas exchange, water relations and growth of two avocado cultivars

Authors: Chartzoulakis, K.; Patakas, A.; Kofidis, G.; Bosabalidis, A.; Nastou, A.

Two cultivars of avocado (Persea americana Mill., 'Fuerte' and 'Hass') plants, grown in 501 containers, were studied under two irrigation regimes for 6 months in order to evaluate the growth response and leaf physiological and anatomical changes induced by moderate water stress. Irrigation was applied when soil water potential reached at -0.03 and -0.5 MPa for the wet and dry treatments, respectively. Leaf anatomy changed in water-stressed leaves, which could have accounted for the decreased stomata]

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2019 Egypt

Influence of Irrigation Method and Fertilization Type on Avocado Yield and Quality

Authors: Darwish, W.M.; Elmetwalli, A.H.

This research study investigated the impact of watering method and fertilization on avocado yield and quality in newly reclaimed areas. The research attempted to choose the optimum irrigation system and fertilization type to improve avocado yield and quality. Different irrigation systems (micro-sprinkler, drip irrigation and combined approach of micro-sprinkler and drip) with different fertilization types (mineral fertilization, fertilization using fallen avocado leaves+mineral fertilization and

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2017 Mexico

Optimal Planning for Sustainable Production of Avocado in Mexico

Authors: González-Estudillo, J.C.; González-Campos, J.B.; Nápoles-Rivera, F.; Ponce-Ortega, J.M.; El-Halwagi, M.

The global avocado market has increased significantly in recent years. The state of Michoacán in Mexico is one of the largest producers of avocado in the world. The ideal climatic conditions and favorable yields have spurred an interest in growing new orchards for enhancing avocado production. Such growth has a major impact on the environment due to the land use change and the substantial use of fresh water. Therefore, there is a need for an optimal strategic planning for the avocado production

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2000 California

Long-Term Evapotranspiration from Coastal Avocado/Citrus Orchard

Authors: Grismer, M.

Very limited citrus and avocado orchard evapotranspiration data are available, and practically no published information is available considering citrus/avocado evapotranspiration ETc on steeply sloping fields in coastal climates. Often the data available are from measurements based on limited time periods, and season-to-season orchard water use variability is unknown. The objective of this project was to obtain such long-term-field ETc data. Of particular interest was determination of the monthly

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2017 Chile

Responses of avocado production to variation in irrigation levels

Authors: Holzapfel, E.; de Souza, J.A.; Jara. J.; Guerra, H.C.

The effects of four irrigation regimes on fruit production and size were evaluated for three seasons in a mature ‘Hass’ avocado orchard (Persea americana Mill.). The research was conducted in Chile’s Central Valley on a clay loam soil at the surface and sandy loam from 0.3 to 0.9 m. Climate zone is sub-humid, Mediterranean-type. A completely randomized block design was used with four applied water treatments (25, 50, 75, and 100% of reference evapotranspiration, ETo), estimated on the basis

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2022 New Zealand

The effect of soil type, fruit load and shaded area on ‘Hass’ avocado (Persea americana Mill.) water use and crop coefficients

Authors: Kaneko, T.; Gould, N.; Campbell, D.; Snelgar, P.; Clearwater, M.

‘Hass’ avocado tree water use was quantified within orchards located in the three main avocado growing regions of New Zealand, from 2016 to 2019. The three regions, the Bay of Plenty, the Whangarei District and the Aupouri Peninsula in the Far North District, differ in climate and soil type (allophanic, clay, and sandy soils, respectively). At each site, local meteorological conditions were monitored, avocado tree water use was quantified using heat-pulse sap flow measurement, total leaf area

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