2022 Colombia

Environmental life cycle assessment (E-LCA) and social impact assessment (SIA) of small-scale biorefineries implemented in rural zones: the avocado (Persea Americana var. Americana) case in Colombia

Authors: Solarte-Toro, J.C.; Ortiz-Sanchez, M.; Alzate, C.A.C.

The objective of this study is to compare the environmental and social performance of two small-scale avocado biorefineries implanted in a rural zone in the North of Colombia. Two small-scale biorefineries were proposed. Small-B-1 addressed to produce avocado oil and animal feed, and Small-B-2 focused on the guacamole production. The environmental analysis was done by applying the life cycle assessment methodology. Then, agronomic information and process simulation were required to complete the analysis.

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2022 Mexico

Avocado spatial expansion in Mexico: Could the energy use of pruning residues offset GHG emissions?

Authors: Tauro, R.; Armendáriz-Arnez, C.; Franch-Pardo, I.; Manrique, S.; Charre-Medellin, J.; Ortega-Riascos, C.; Soria-Gonzalez, J.

Avocado orchards in Mexico are constantly being expanded to meet the increasing demand for the fruit in the national and international markets. The land-use change (LUC) caused by this expansion has numerous negative impacts, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to the loss of forest cover and the open burning of biomass. The present study is a timely evaluation of a complex environmental problem through an integrative approach. We analyze LUC between the years 1974–2017 at a local scale

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