2022 Mexico

Spatial patterns and determinants of avocado frontier dynamics in Mexico

Authors: Ramírez-Mejía, D.; Levers, C.; Mas, J-F.

The surging demand for commodity crops has led to rapid and severe agricultural frontier expansion globally and has put producing regions increasingly under pressure. However, knowledge about spatial patterns of agricultural frontier dynamics, their leading spatial determinants, and socio-ecological trade-offs is often lacking, hindering contextualized decision making towards more sustainable food systems. Here, we used inventory data to map frontier dynamics of avocado production, a cash crop of

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2021 Mexico

Avocado Production Implications at Water Balance since a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Perspective, 2011-2019

Authors: Ruiz-Sevilla, G.; Ortiz-Paniagua, C.F.

Worldwide 0.77% of available fresh water is accessible to humans (Harrison and Pearce, 2000), approximately 70% of it is used as input for agriculture (CONAGUA, 2018), which responds to the growing global demand for foods. In particular, the production of an avocado requires 227.1 liters of water (WFN, 2015). The growing world demand for this fruit has led to the exponential growth of the cultivated area in the last 15 years in Michoacan, the effects on the water balance are already significant.

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2022 Mexico

Designing a Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Considering Social Factors; A Case Study on Avocado Industry

Authors: Salehi-Amiri, A.; Zahedi, A.; Gholian-Jouybari, F.; Rodriguez Calvo, E.Z.; Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M.

Recently, the closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) and its application to various fields have been an area of great interest. Despite the importance of CLSC, there remains a paucity of evidence on agriculture in this area. In this work, a CLSC network for the avocado industry is firstly designed by developing a bi-objective model considering the costs of the avocado industry and the social factor of job employment opportunities. The two objectives are the total costs minimization and job employment maximization

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2018 Mexico

Analysis of costs and competitiveness in avocado production in Michoacán, Mexico

Authors: Sánchez, M.A.F.; Rodriguez, J.A.L.; Gonzalez, J.M.S.; Ramos, M.A.; Munguia, A.G.

[The] process of globalization has forced avocado producers in Michoacán to improve their competitiveness, be more efficient and control their production costs to adapt to market demands. Cost accounting provides data to monitor the activities of a company, provides tools for making corrective decisions and achieve goals, to maintain or increase profits production costs, profitability and competitiveness of three representative production units (URP) avocado, two of export and for domestic market

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2022 Mexico

Avocado spatial expansion in Mexico: Could the energy use of pruning residues offset GHG emissions?

Authors: Tauro, R.; Armendáriz-Arnez, C.; Franch-Pardo, I.; Manrique, S.; Charre-Medellin, J.; Ortega-Riascos, C.; Soria-Gonzalez, J.

Avocado orchards in Mexico are constantly being expanded to meet the increasing demand for the fruit in the national and international markets. The land-use change (LUC) caused by this expansion has numerous negative impacts, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to the loss of forest cover and the open burning of biomass. The present study is a timely evaluation of a complex environmental problem through an integrative approach. We analyze LUC between the years 1974–2017 at a local scale

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2018 Mexico

2018 Update: The U.S. National and state-level economic benefits of avocado imports from Mexico

Authors: Williams, G.; Hanselka, D.

Avocado imports have grown dramatically in recent years. If international trade theory holds true, the rapidly growing imports of avocados should also be contributing positively to the broader U.S. economy. This report is an update of two previous reports that measure the benefits to the U.S. overall economy and the economies of and individual U.S. states from the rapidly growing imports of Hass avocados from Mexico (Williams, Capps, and Hanselka, 2014 and 2016). The analysis updates the answers

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